Solomon's Words for the Wise (2025)

Table of Contents

Solomon’s words of wisdom, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, give practical insights and guidelines for life.

Knowledge is good, but there is a big difference between having the facts (knowledge) and applying those facts to life (wisdom).

We may continue to acquire all the knowledge in this world, but without wisdom, it is useless.

We must grasp how to live out what we know.

Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived. Solomon’s words left us a legacy of written wisdom found in three volumes – Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs.

These books gave practical insights and guidelines for life under the inspiration and sign of the Holy Spirit.

Chapters 1 to 29 of the Book of Proverbs in the Bible were believed to be written by Solomon himself.

Solomon imparted his practical advice and help in the form of proverbs.

The word proverb is a short sentence that conveys moral truth you can agree with, far from the inspirational quotes you can see from your Facebook timeline, email, or ads around you.

As you read and see Solomon’s words, I hope that they will encourage and inspire you, knowing God is the only key and sign to wisdom.

Discover and see these new thoughts and lessons from Solomon that you can use to continue a life of wisdom.

Who was King Solomon?

Solomon was the fourth son of King David with Bathsheba, the widowed wife of Uriah, whom David had killed to cover his infidelity.

He was the third king of Israel and David’s chosen heir. Solomon was known as the greatest philosopher, poet, and architect.

He also showed a sign of a great botanist and zoologist.

From 971 to 931 BC, Solomon reigned as King of Israel.

He was widely regarded as the wisest and the wealthiest man who ever lived.

Early in his life, Solomon perceives his need for wisdom.

During the time he became king, Solomon asked God for wisdom rather than the sale of riches or possessions (2 Chronicles 1:7-12).

He studied, taught, judged, and wrote.

Kings and leaders from other nations visited Jerusalem to learn from him and apply the wisdom to their services to the nation.

What was King Solomon Known for?

Solomon was already known for many things.

Aside from wealth and wisdom, he was also known for his writings.

He also rendered his services to build God’s new temple in Jerusalem.

But, he was also known for many wives and promoted signs of idolatry.

His connection with God

When Solomon ascended to the throne, he found God.

He granted him the ability to ask for whatever he pleased.

The Lord was pleased to see that Solomon did not ask for possessions and desires.

In 1 Kings 3:11-14, God did not just give Solomon wisdom but riches and long life as well.

God also gave Solomon a “wise and understanding heart”.

Solomon received this in order to lead well and make the right decisions.

During most of his reign, God bestowed Solomon peace in every aspect.

He built God’s temple.

Solomon was also known for building the new temple of God in Jerusalem.

God wanted a peacemaker to build His temple and not a warrior like David.

In 1 Kings 5-6, Solomon started the preparation and building of the new temple.

Solomon’s concept of the temple was more like a palace for God rather than a worship place.

In honor of God, the new temple was constructed without the sound of any tools at the building site.

This is to show us the importance of demonstrating the sign of care, honor, and respect for God’s sanctuary.

His judgment and wisdom

King Solomon’s famous work of wisdom was recorded in 1 Kings 3.

Two mothers living in the same house had a dispute over the custody of a baby boy.

One of the babies had died, and each was claiming that the living child is hers.

To get the facts straight, Solomon asked for a sword.

He commanded that the child be cut in two, each woman to receive half.

The true mother of the child begged Solomon to spare the child.

Solomon ordered not to kill the child and give him to the mother, who wanted him to live.

This settlement of a dispute was a classic example of Solomon’s sign of wisdom.

Solomon’s words of wisdom on the ruling were verification for us to see that God gave him an understanding heart.

Famous Bible Verses from Solomon

Human beings in the Bible might guide us, but we must never forget to see that God is the ultimate source of all books of the Bible.

All the scriptures were given inspiration from the Lord. In the book of Proverbs, you can witness and see God’s work in Solomon’s life.

His words of wisdom aim to enrich our lives and help us avoid and see trouble not just this year but for more years to come.

Approximately half of the Bible’s “poetry and wisdom books” are credited to him.

People still look to Solomon for counsel on relationships, wisdom, prosperity, work, and just about everything else.

Here are some of King Solomon’s words that can guide people in their lives.

Fear of the Lord

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” (Proverbs 1:7).

People who log in and see a dogmatic opinion about everything are some of the most annoying individuals.

Solomon calls this sort of person a fool.

They are people who resent discipline, are close-minded, and refuse to learn.

Instead of being a know-it-all, be open to other people’s advice.

This 2021, agree to learn from others, especially those who know you well.

See the wisdom God has given to them.

Remember, only God knows it all.

Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)

It is important to trust and see God in every decision that we make.

He is the better judge as He knows what is best for us.

Let 2021 be a start of a year in which you bring your plans before God through prayers, and live a life of privacy that uses His wisdom to direct your path.

Seek wisdom

My father taught me, “Take my words to heart. Follow my commands, and you will live.” (Proverbs 4:4)

Encourage your children to become wise.

Be a parent who chooses to find and see God’s wisdom and help through His Word.

Like Solomon, his father encouraged him to seek wisdom when he was young.

One of the greatest responsibilities of parents is to urge their children to turn to God and see His glory.

Training is discipleship

“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

It is natural for parents to want to bring up all their children the same way.

However, this verse directs parents to discern and see the individuality of each child.

Train a child who uses wisdom and makes wise decisions.

How to Apply God’s Wisdom in Your Life

God’s words are what keep us going despite facing a lot of challenges in our lives.

Wisdom is the power to determine between what is good and what is wrong.

An intelligent person can acquire and see more new friends, honor, and God’s favor than an intellectual person.

Here are some biblical ways to be wise in 2021.

Pray for wisdom

The first step in gaining wisdom is to ask God for it (James 1:5).

Wisdom is not something on sale, but rather it is something precious.

Ask God for the ability to make your next wise decisions in difficult circumstances.

Agree and recognize that you are only a human being who lacks understanding.

Whenever we pray to God for wisdom, He will generously supply and put in place what we need.

The wisdom we ask from God has three distinct characteristics.

First, it is practical as it relates to life, even during the most trying times.

Second, it is divine because God’s wisdom goes beyond common sense.

Lastly, it is Christlike because asking God for wisdom is asking to be like Jesus.

Put your faith unto the Lord.

Next time you seek and see God for knowledge and pray for it, be consistent.

Remove any doubts and place your faith in Him.

Being obedient to God and trusting in Him entails keeping and obeying His instructions. (James 1:6-7)

Humble yourself

Live a modest life if you wish to receive wisdom from God.

Through humility, we can conquer hatred and selfishness that lead to immoral acts.

So, this 2022 embraces a new life of humility and understanding instead of arrogance and wickedness. (James 3:13-16)

Learn the art of peace.

Always be mindful and cultivate a sense of peace.

Learn to forgive and be merciful. Next, take into account the sentiments of those around you.

Have a wider understanding of others and be aware of their pain and privacy.

Consider empathy as one of the free services you offer to other people around you.

You will find and see a higher chance of receiving God’s knowledge if you achieve serenity, tranquility, and complete consciousness of your surroundings.

Feed your soul with the scriptures.

Read and study God’s commands in the Bible with patience.

The Bible contains rules, cautions, and directions about how we must live and function on this land.

You will get wiser as you get more familiar with God’s words. (2 Timothy 3:15)

Speak God’s Words

Be a living example of God’s knowledge.

Not only should you understand God’s words, but you should also use them next to you every new day by proclaiming and living them.

Allow everyone around you to find out that you possess God’s wisdom. (Colossians 3:16)

We need to do everything with an open heart and mind.

Give your all to obtain new wisdom.

Remove stupidity, conceit, greed, jealousy, hate, selfishness, and any other obstacles to wisdom entering your body, mind, heart, and soul.

Find and see God’s pure understanding and allow it to reside inside you.

Let your words of wisdom be like ads that attract people to see the goodness of God in you.

The Importance of Wisdom in Our Lives

Even now that we are in 2022, we are still flawed beings that are far from flawless.

Even the most “decent” individuals, those who are praised by others for their morality and exemplary actions, have stains on their souls.

We can’t have and see pure wisdom without God, and we can’t have pure wisdom if we’re not holy ourselves.

As a result, humans can’t look at anything and choose the same level of objectivity as divine intelligence.

God’s knowledge is the only completely objective and truthful way to assess and make judgments in life.

Consider that spirit to be a muscle.

It will get weaker if we do not utilize it, but it will be stronger if we exercise it consistently.

Of course, this entails praying and concentrating on God’s Word.

The further we do it, the greater our spirit will become, and our faith in God will become more profound.

The only way to get through and see life effectively is with God’s knowledge.

Let’s make seeking God’s words a priority.

Lessons of Solomon

Solomon was the wisest man in the world, but he failed to heed and use his own log of advice, and he began a downward spiral.

As he looked back with humility and repentance, he took stock of his life.

Here are some of the lessons he learned through personal experience.

Hoping to spare his readers the bitterness of learning that everything apart from God is empty, hollow, and meaningless.

Fear God

The fear of the Lord serves a prominent place in the constant fight of the Christ-follower over their sinful nature.

Assess how you see toward heaven if you’re dealing with sin.

Do you show a sign of fear of God and have the desire to please him even when no one is watching?

Those who want God’s forgiveness for their misdeeds should first fear Him.

Humanity has no hope after this world unless they agree to have a respectful attitude towards heaven and a repentant heart.

Obey His commands

The Bible has a lot to say regarding obedience, spanning from Genesis to Revelation.

We can agree to see how essential the principle of devotion is to God in the log of the Ten Commandments. Deuteronomy 11:26-28 says Obey, and you will be blessed. Disobey, and you will see the sign of the curse.

Through Jesus Christ’s example in the New Testament, we learn that we commit to a life of obedience as followers.

The writings of 1 and 2 John make it clear that obeying God is a sign of love for Him.

Justice will be done.

If you think life is unfair, always remember that God has a log of all the things you have done, and He will bring every deed into judgment (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

God will review this log and use every person’s life to determine how they have responded to His calling.

Ask yourself what is on your log and how is your commitment to God.

See if your life measures up to God’s standards.

God’s justice is not on sale, it is always fair for every Christian believer.

In Summary

As the year 2023 approaches, living a wise life like Solomon’s is still relevant today.

But wisdom is only worthwhile when it is put into action.

It is clear that the wisdom Solomon received from God didn’t mean that he couldn’t make mistakes.

His actions remind us how easy it is to know and see what is right and yet not do it.

Wisdom is both the ability to discern what is best and the strength of character to act upon that knowledge.

While Solomon remained wise all his life, he did not always act upon his wisdom.

Ask God to give us the wisdom to know what to do and the courage to follow through with it.

Solomon's Words for the Wise (2025)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.