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14 Jun 2017
- Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)
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14 Jun 2017
- English (UK)
Quality Point(s): 92
Answer: 56
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That's a racial slur that ignorant, uneducated people say. Don't listen to them.
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14 Jun 2017
- Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)
Quality Point(s): 7
Answer: 6
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@jjodie ahhh.. But where does this term comes from? And i just saw an asian girl posted a selfie of herself on insta and the caption is lingling like she is making fun of herself?
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14 Jun 2017
- English (UK)
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 3865
Answer: 2886
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Jjodie is right. Sometimes, people here feel the need to call people of other races weird names. They find it funny but really it's not that funny.
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14 Jun 2017
- Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)
Quality Point(s): 7
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@EmperorIguana42 do you know where does this name comes from? Like on a tv show or..? Why it has to be "ling" im confused:/
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14 Jun 2017
- English (UK)
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 5358
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I think it comes from people trying to imitate the sound of tonal languages. "Ching Chong " is another version of that.
I suppose it might have another meaning when Asian people use it about themselves, but I don't know what and I would never say it and I would be very shocked if someone did say it around me.
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14 Jun 2017
- English (UK)
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 3865
Answer: 2886
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@rosannexo There are sadly a lot of racist names for Chinese people here. "Ching chang chong" is quite common and any sound that sounds slightly Chinese. I don't know how these names came about - probably because of how Chinese sounds to those who don't speak it.
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14 Jun 2017
- Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)
Quality Point(s): 7
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@NathanH @EmperorIguana42 got it!! Thank you guys!!
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20 Mar 2019
- Simplified Chinese (China)
Quality Point(s): 0
Answer: 5
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Just came across this question from 2setviolin. I think Ling Ling was born or at least popularized from their videos. Here is how urban dictionary explained: I don't like some answers here that actually brought discriminatory thoughts such irresponsibly.
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16 Apr 2020
- Italian
Quality Point(s): 4
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It’s not used for racism or discrimination.
It’s just a meme that indicates an ipotetical Asian OP guy that’s better than you at everything. Especially at playing the violin, instrument that he practices 40 hours a day.
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16 Apr 2020
- Italian
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It’s a meme invented by the YouTube channel TwoSet violin.
Here’s a link with some more definitions.
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16 Apr 2020
- Italian
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The word comes from all the Asian people that are extremely good at playing an instrument, also at 6 years old.
The ling ling finds playing the Paganini caprices too easy, so they need to do that with challenges, eg. While hula-hopping or riding a bike.
Again, it’s just an ironical and ipothetical person
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16 Sep 2020
- English (US)
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"Ling Ling" is also a proper name in Chinese; e.g., Taiwan-born American politician serving in the California State Senate Ling Ling Chang (
I also understand that 玲玲 / "líng líng" is an onomatopoeia (noun) that refers to a tinkling sound (e.g., of jewels.) (
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20 Jun 2022
- Vietnamese
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ling ling is actually a term, usually used by asian people, to show to a perfect person who is good at everything. in asia, it's common for people, especially teenagers, being compared to other people who is better than them. u can find ling ling everywhere: first prize in competitions, being kind and gentle, helpful, etc.
in conclusion, 'ling ling' is basically a word to describe a person who is better than the rest of the world
hope this is helpful ^^
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